Northern California’s Eye Care Specialists
Surgical Eye Care Services
The precision of laser has arrived to cataract surgery. Now adding femtosecond laser and astigmatism correction enables better focus outcomes and less dependence on spectacles.
We are proud to offer the latest advances by Johnson & Johnson in Laser Vision Correction with iDESIGN and iLASIK at Reeve Woods Eye Center.
New and Innovative approaches to glaucoma treatment are here … including eye drop sparing laser treatments, minimally invasive glaucoma implants, and new generation filter surgery for advanced glaucoma.
The Clareon Panoptix Multifocal lens implant improves visual range for far and near vision after surgery, with less dependence on glasses for many patients.
Comprehensive Eye Care Services
We treat needs for glasses, medical conditions, vision correction, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye exams, macular degeneration eye exams, and much more.
Hard to fit contact lenses?
New to contacts?
We have decades of experience with contacts, vision correction, and work with you for the comfort and fit you need for vision with your contacts.
Our doctors provide emergency eye care and emergency eye exams as a referral center for several counties. Most work in emergency exams can be handled on the same day basis for your medical eye need.
See what is new in eye care today. Cutting edge technology, new patient services, community outreach, find out here.
We have a full service optical lab with edging technology which greatly improves patient orders turnaround and custom eye glass wear help from our opticians.