The Xen Gel Stent for Glaucoma

Glaucoma Surgery in Chico, CA

The Reeve Woods Eye Center is pleased to share experience and glaucoma experience and availability of the Xen Gel Stent for patients with glaucoma. Benefits of the implant include lower eye pressure by allowing a new pathway for fluid from the anterior chamber to flow to tissues outside the eye, a glaucoma filtration procedure.

Glaucoma surgery with filtration have day and night eye pressure control, improving the most at risk cases of glaucoma for when pressure control is often most elevated, during sleep.

Our surgeons have been some of the earliest and most experienced with Xen glaucoma filtration surgery. Reeve Woods Eye Center has been performing glaucoma surgery for decades with a focus on intraocular surgery and glaucoma medical and surgical therapy.

Consult with your eye physician to determine if you are a candidate for surgical glaucoma control, the risks, benefits, and outcomes for glaucoma surgery.